You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world, but it requires people to make the dream a reality.
Walt Disney

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Disney Weekend #1

So, as of Friday, I became an official cast member of the Walt Disney Company through the Disney College Program! I have been so excited and so anxious for this past weekend, I counted down the days from the first interview until the hours just before I had to wake up! I can honestly say this is my biggest dream come true, since I have always wanted to be a part of Disney since I can possibly imagine. The cast members are so welcoming to the new hires, and the whole appointment/traditions/orientation weekend could not have gone smoother. I am so thankful for this opportunity of a lifetime, and I appreciate my family and friends supporting me since I had this dream.

On appointment day, I could already tell that I would never want to leave the company. No matter who you are, any cast member who walks past you will smile and say hello. No one is a stranger and no cast member is going to treat you any differently than how they are treated. I was amazed at all of the different people who come from different cities and backgrounds, because we all got along just fine once we were a team. I have met so many wonderful people from all over California, and I can't wait until August when we get a new bunch from all over the United States.

Yesterday was "Traditions." Anyone who is employed and hired into the Disney company has to go through this orientation. Here, we learned the values, mission, and vision of Walt Disney and the Disney Company. This entire day was just so full of Disney history and culture, that I was just amazed. I felt so overwhelmed, but so overjoyed at the same time, because you learn how wonderful Walt was as a person and as a businessman, and how Disney became a household name. I had such a great time, and I honestly did not want to leave when the day was over.

Over the next few months, I will document everything I possibly can about my experience, and the people I meet, because I want others to share in the magic and happiness that we as cast members can bring to other people for the rest of our lives.

One team, one dream.


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